I love this video - feel the fear and do it anyway - I used this to overcome my fear of presenting many years ago and now I love presenting - I still feel the fear but I do it anyway. What fears have you overcome by feeling the fear and doing it anyway?
Are you off on holiday this year? If you are anything like me you love holidays and look forward to them the minute you book them. My holiday starts (or rather the excitement of the holiday starts) the moment I click on that “book now” button! (or more likely the search for a holiday button.) But how many of us go on holiday and end up being ill (tummy upsets) or the kids hurt themselves or most importantly spend half our holiday scratching the annoying mossi bites. We brits are particularly good at getting over excited at finally seeing the sun and end up with sunstroke or severe sunburn. I've often looked at the bright red bodies and wondered (naively) why people let themselves get that burnt. I’ve just got back from Gran Canaria (never been before) which taught me some great lessons not least in never to judge burnt people again! I think living so far North I didn't appreciate the difference being so close to the equator makes to the...
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