Are you off on holiday this year?
If you are anything like me you love holidays and look forward to them the minute you book them. My holiday starts (or rather the excitement of the holiday starts) the moment I click on that “book now” button! (or more likely the search for a holiday button.) But how many of us go on holiday and end up being ill (tummy upsets) or the kids hurt themselves or most importantly spend half our holiday scratching the annoying mossi bites. We brits are particularly good at getting over excited at finally seeing the sun and end up with sunstroke or severe sunburn. I've often looked at the bright red bodies and wondered (naively) why people let themselves get that burnt.
I’ve just got back from Gran Canaria (never been before) which taught me some great lessons not least in never to judge burnt people again! I think living so far North I didn't appreciate the difference being so close to the equator makes to the UV levels and what it does to our unaccustomed skin. On the first day we had our morning coffee in the sun at 9am for 20 minutes and were burnt to a crisp! It wasn't that hot but obviously the UV levels were extremely high and we learned the difference the hard way.
We loved the holiday but another thing we struggled with was the desalinated water which played havoc on my son's skin, he came out in rashes from the pool water.
Luckily I had my homeopathic first aid kit from with me, without which I probably would have spent half the holiday back and for to doctors so I thought I’d share with you some of the most frequent ailments you may get on holiday and the best remedies to take that you’d have in your box to deal with it so that you don't spend you holiday in A&E for minor ailments.
Please note for anything other than minor first aid please seek the help of a qualified homeopath or a local hospital or GP.
Fear of Flying
Forty percent of travellers experience anxiety about flying. When you feel anxiety before travel, take the following remedies.
Quiet anxiety before travel with weakness, trembling, and diarrhea possible
Gelsemium 30c Take at first signs of anxiety and every 4 hours if necessary during travel
Fidgety apprehension before travel with restlessness, claustrophobia, or fear of heights
Argentum nitricum 30c Take at first signs of anxiety and every 4 hours if necessary during travel
Panic with fear of flying, death, and accidents
Aconite 30c Take 1 to 2 hours before flight; repeat before takeoff and if needed every 1 to 4 hours
Jet lag
Travelling great distances in a short time causes jet lag; not entirely avoidable, it can be greatly reduced. Drink plenty of water, refrain from alcohol, eat lightly, and try these remedies.
Insomnia despite fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, disorientation
Cocculus 30c Take twice daily 2 days before flight and up to 2 to 3 days after
Feeling foggy, in shock, and/or muscles are achy
Arnica 30cTake every 4 to 6 hours for up to 3 days
Flight hangover, tired and irritable, may feel chilly, queasy, headachy
Nux vomica 30c Take every 4 to 6 hours for up to 3 days
Motion sickness
Common and much dreaded, motion sickness can strike in a car, plane, boat, or other mode of transport. Children 3 to 12 years of age are often susceptible.
Nausea; vomiting; dizziness
Cocculus 30c Take 1 hour before departure, then every 6 hours; if nausea returns, take every 2 hours; assess after 3 to 4 doses: if no improvement, choose Tabacum or Nux vomica (below); with improvement, stop
Severe nausea and vomiting with cold sweats and dizziness; desire for fresh air
Tabacum 30c Take every 1/2 to 2 hours for 3 doses; then only as needed or 3 times daily for up to 3 days
Sickness that feels like a hangover; desire to vomit but can’t; chills; headache
Nux vomica 30c Take every 1/2 to 2 hours for 3 doses; then only as needed or 3 times daily for up to 3 days
Heat stroke is a serious condition and should be avoided at all cost. It is brought on by exposure to high temperatures and high humidity can also contribute to the problem. The body’s heat regulation fails and the body progressively rises to a dangerous level.
Mini Ben
Symptoms are: lassitude, headache, giddiness, nausea and reduced sweating. The skin is hot and dry, temperature and pulse are raised. The most important thing is to reduce the temperature as soon as possible by going in to a cool room or sponging off the head with cold water.Homeopathic remedies:
The most useful is generally GLONOINUM however this is not usually in the kit. The indicators for this remedy are: waves of terrible throbbing, bursting headache, hot flushed face and sweaty skin. Dilated pupils fixed pupils, bounding pulse, burning hot dry skin and delirium.
Usually in the kits:
Belladonna: This is in every kit and I don’t go anywhere without it so this is usually my first choice
Bryonia: usually my second choice or first if sitting up makes the headache worse.
Cuprum: severe cramps, splitting headache, worse slightest attempt to move.
Aconite: Extreme panic and fright, feeling of insects crawling on skin
Bites and Stings:
Apis: Watery swelling, rosy red, burning and stinging pains
Arsenicum: Acute fear and restlessness, itching, burning and swelling, relieved by hot application
Cantharis: Cutting, burning, raw pains, violently acute inflammations, convulsions, sudden unconcsiousness, furious delirium.
Carbo Veg: Blue, cold skin, blue or purplish patches around the wound
Hypericum: Severe sharp pain along nerves, specific for puncture wounds, reputed anti-tetanus properties
Ledum: Reputed anti-tetanus properties.
Broken bones and fractures
I instantly give Arnica for the shock and give repeated doses on our way to hospital. Upon return seek advice from a qualified homeopath to speed up healing.
Bruising of any kind:
Arnica is always the first remedy to take with any accidents, it relieves shock very quickly and if there is severe panic alternate with aconite.
Belladonna: First choice for sunburn when it is red with lots of heat in it
Calendula: Superficial burns and scolds
Aconite: If there is any fear and panic accompanying the burns
Arnica as a first choice and then hypericum
Diarrhoea & vomiting:
Arnica: Bad egg smell (belches and wind)
Arsenicum: First choice for simultaneous diarrhoea and vomiting
Belladonna: Pale greenish tinge to face
Bryonia: Vomit tastes bitter
Calendula: Nausea felt in chest
Cantharis: Violent retching and vomiting, burning pains
Carbo veg: with excessive wind
China: Frequent vomitingundigested stools
Gelsenium: Painless after sudden emotion
Hypericum: Nausea and belchingwhile drinking water
Ignatia: Hunger with nausea especially after grief
Ipecac: Great nausea not improved by vomiting
Phosphorus: Regurgitates, bleeding from rectum with stool
Ant tart or Drosera: When its with a cough too
Aconite: Agonising fear and restless
Arnica: May speed up return to consciousness
Arsenicum: Anxious expression extreme restlessness
Belladonna: face and body bright red and hot with delirium
Bryonia: Dark red, hot face, moans in pain if moved
Carbo veg: Blue tinge, state of collapse
China: Earthy, sickly face, constant choking
Ignatia: Whispering voice, with grief
Prickly heat or skin rashes which seem to be an allergic reaction can be relieved on site but I strongly recommend seeking the help of a qualified homeopath when you return home as it is often an internal issue rather than surface deep
Arsenicum: Scaly eruptions which burn and itch
Sulphur: Lots of itching, worse from heat and accompanied by an irresistible desire to scratch
Hepar Sulph: Sores which fester easily and are excessively sensitive to the least touch even the pressure of a dressing or the impact of cold air
Rhus Tox: acute affections of the skin which itch and burn and are associated with formation of blisters and local swelling.
By Melanie Medhurst
By Melanie Medhurst
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